Webmeets Diary : Chapter 07

Note to the reader: Each entry in the diary can be read alone or as part of a series, but since I have a wide sexual appetite you may not find everything I've done to be such a turn on, so you may want to skip those chapters. This chapter and chapter 5 tell only of heterosexual encounters.


After my first meeting with a contact near Beijing from the adult dating site I used (the encounter is the subject of the previous chapter of this diary), I planned to spend four days travelling south to Shanghai where I had two contacts.

One of these contacts was an older expat American couple in their late thirties who I had only exchanged a few, very businesslike messages with on the site. According to their profile they organised frequent sex parties in which the wife, a rather attractive African-American woman from the photos, enjoyed being gangbanged (the phrase they used). They hadn't actually promised I could join one of these, but instead said they preferred to meet new people individually first to decide if they were suitable. This seemed fair enough to me before I'd left England. From Beijing we had finalised the arrangement and I was to meet them on the Friday for the "audition", with the possibility of joining one of the parties sometime soon after.

The other contact was a young straight Chinese guy, only 27 years old, who claimed on his profile that he enjoyed meeting visitors to his city and could find lots of horny local girls for them to have fun with. This seemed a little exploitative to me, not to say arrogant, but I had contacted him anyway, and he seemed friendly enough. I was desperately horny, so after he had assured me that these girls were not hookers, “compensated dates” (a phenomenon I’d read was widespread in Asia which is basically freelance, informal prostitution) or anything, I agreed to look him up when I got there. He gave me a phone number and on the Wednesday night, the night before I would reach Shanghai, I gave him a ring.

"Hi," I said. "Is that John?" John was the name he'd given me, although I was pretty certain it wasn't his real name. I'd noticed that many Chinese people had an "English name" that they choose or was given to them when they learnt English, presumably so they didn't have to put up with foreigners constantly mispronouncing their real names, although sometimes they were pretty unsuitable names.

"Hi, yes, who is this?"

"My name is Jack, we exchanged some messages online a month or two ago, if you remember?"

"Jack, Jack... From America?"

"No, from England."

"England? Oh yes! I think I remember! Are you in Shanghai now?"

"No, not yet, but I arrive tomorrow and I'll be there for a week maybe. I wondered if you still wanted to meet?"

"Yes, of course! Tomorrow at what time?"

"About 5 o'clock in the afternoon, but then I have to go to my hostel and drop my things. We don't have to meet tomorrow, any time over the next week is fine."

"Tomorrow is OK. You arrive at 5? I can meet you at 7 on Nanjing East Road near the Bund. This is the main tourist street you know?"

"Yes, I think I know, my hostel is near there. Where on Nanjing East Road?"

"By the entrance to the train station Henan Zhonglu. How will I recognise you?"

"I sent you a photo didn't I?"

"Oh yes, I think I still have that. What will you be wearing?"

"Um, jeans and a red hooded top?"

"What is a hooded top?"

"It's a type of sweater."

"A red sweater? OK, I shall meet you at 7 tomorrow then. Goodbye!"


Thursday evening I arrived and found my hostel without a problem, so I was able to drop my bag off there and then enter the crowd outside and find the meeting place more than an hour before. I did so surprisingly quickly, so then spent a while wandering around killing time until 7 o'clock. At that time I was there waiting, and after ten minutes or so, when I was starting to wonder if that was where he meant, a young, wealthy looking Chinese couple approached me.

"Hi, are you Jack?" The guy greeted me. He was about my height, well dressed, with fairly short, styled hair.

"Yes, you must be John," I replied extending my hand, feeling slightly awkward meeting someone from such a different culture like this, despite my growing experience at internet dating. "Pleased to meet you!"

"Pleased to meet you. This is a friend of mine who wanted to meet you, her English name is Juliet."

"Pleased to meet you too," I said, turning to shake hands with the attractive woman at his side. She was a few inches shorter than me, though I guessed that she must be a three or four years older than me, and was also well dressed as if she had just come from the office. Her elegant, slightly haughty facial features were framed by a long sweep of silky, straight black hair falling past her shoulders and streaked with red, not in the amateurish way of an unsuccessful bleaching as many girls have there, but in an intentional, professional style.

"Pleased to meet you," she replied, fluttering her (possibly fake) eyelashes. "Do you mind if I practice my English with you? I like to improve it."

"No, I don't mind," I answered. "Where are we going to eat?"

"I know a good place," John said, and led us off through the throng. I won't bore you with the details of the meal, other than to say that the food was very good, and the conversation similar to many I had in China with people who wanted to practice their English. Some people find it tiresome, but I quite enjoy it, even if things get a bit repetitive. In this case I had a very pretty conversation partner in Juliet, who flirted with me the whole meal in the very open way I had experienced from several Chinese girls already, telling me how handsome I was with my wide, light-coloured eyes, naturally fair hair, and so on. Both of them also spoke pretty good English so topics were not quite as limited as usual and their accents were not too indecipherable.

John insisted that I was his guest so he paid for the whole meal, which though I found awkward at first, I was more comfortable about later when I learnt that he was the son of a very rich businessman who had been able to send him to university in America. He had inherited a lucrative position at the company, so I was hardly exploiting him. It turned out Juliet was in a similar situation at a different company, though she had not studied abroad, and in fact they knew each other from business meetings.

From the restaurant we got the metro to John's apartment, which was only a few stations away in any case. The site of the apartment block immediately banished any misgivings I had about imposing on someone from a poorer country than mine, as it was clearly a place for the very wealthy. We entered the shiny marble lobby and took the lift up to the top, Juliet now holding on to both our arms and getting very giggly.

The interior of his apartment was certainly no let down from the rest of the building, far more spacious than Patrick and Ai Ling's place and far more expensively furnished. There was a huge window looking out on the colourful lights of the city, a large wide-screen TV, a leather couch and armchairs, all the furniture very modern and Western looking. All this I took in only briefly, as we passed straight through this room into John's bedroom, which was similarly well furnished with a large King-size double bed in the centre.

With no further conversation, Juliet got down on her knees in front of me and undid my fly, pulling my trousers and boxers down in one move. My pubic hair was still short stubble, only having had a few days to regrow since I shaved it the previous weekend for Ai Ling and her husband, which she seemed to like, brushing her fingers over it and examining the unhidden shape of my balls. With a smile up at me, she ducked under my expanding cock to lick them. I stroked her hair, feeling wonderfully relaxed. She look her time, working her lips upwards, letting me become fully extended before touching my head. When she did I gasped and tightened my grip on her hair, it felt so good, then relaxed again as she went down on me, moving her tongue sensually.

I glanced at John and grinned, and he smiled back, moving closer and dropping his pants once he was near, stroking his own erect cock as he watched us. There are many racist myths about Asian people, but although on average they're certainly shorter than Europeans, at least from what I saw it is an unfair slur that Asian men are poorly endowed. Of course I didn't look too closely at his, he might have got worried and called things off, and anyway the pretty woman sucking my cock soon pulled my gaze back. But from what I saw of him in action and casual observations, he was not noticeably smaller than my respectable 7 inches, though he had the disadvantage of being unshaved and so looking shorter than me as the first inch or so was hidden, unlike mine.

He said something in Chinese, presumably something along the lines of "I'm here too you know", as she pulled back, apparently reluctantly, and began to give him a blowjob, not bothering with any foreplay. I seized the opportunity to get rid of the rest of my clothes and then stood wanking with her saliva as lubricant, watching them. Much as I had enjoyed being filmed the previous weekend, and the idea that I and others could watch it all again sometime, it was a relief not to watch everything through a lens or to have to change position so the camera could get a better, porn-style view. I noticed that Juliet only used one hand, and looking for where the other was I saw the top of her wrist, the rest tucked under the waistband of her skirt and panties.

Eager to help her, I knelt down and found the fastening for the skirt, then pulled it down, letting her lift her knees alternately to let it pass off her legs. To my great delight I found she was not wearing tights but stockings, held up by suspenders, a style I found incredibly arousing. Then I saw that her lace knickers, in which her hand was still thrust, had been put on over the straps, so they could be removed without interfering with the stockings. Absorbed in my exploration, I forgot she was still in her blouse and bra, and tugged her panties down. Now I could see her pale, slender fingers lying in the thick black bush of her pussy, which was trimmed neatly from what I could glimpse down there in the shadows.

"So who do you want to fuck first, me or Jack?" John asked, breaking my attention. Juliet pulled back to answer.

"Jack," she said, and then turned to me, her fingers still in her pussy. "I want Jack to fuck me first." And she grinned at being able to speak dirty in English.

We both stood up and stripped off the rest of her clothes, though I made her keep the stockings and suspenders on. She got on the bed while I bent down to the pockets of my discarded jeans to take out the condom that I'd almost forgotten in my lust. It was on by the time I was kneeling between her legs, looking down on her gorgeous, petite body, from the black tuft of hair in her crotch, over her slim frame and small but defined breasts, to her smiling face, her hair fanned out on the pillow below her head.

I fell forward on to my hands, then supported myself on just one to run my finger through her bush. It was wet, very wet - she had done a good job at getting ready! So I lowered my hips and guided my cock to her entrance, pressing it in and pulling hairs out of the way. This was no tight virgin that was for sure, as I slipped in easily, and my hand could move to her hips, pulling her close. I began to thrust, watching her face and then kissing her lips passionately. She was a little more passive than the other girls I'd had though she kissed back and gasped, and once I began moving my hands around her body, cupping her breasts and stroking her thighs, she began to respond more, thrusting up towards me.

All the time John watched us, I could see him jerking off out of the corner of my eye, but when she started to let out loud cries he climbed up on the bed and knelt by our heads. I could guess what he wanted, so I pushed myself up as far as I could, leaning on my hands either side of her stomach. He guided his dick into her mouth, and with unexpected eagerness she began to suck it, propping herself up on one elbow to get a better angle.

Her hips ground at my crotch ever more insistently, and I could feel muscles inside her contracting around me, while her nipples atop her shaking tits were hard and erect. I was glad that nearly a week free of either sex or masturbation had both been enough to let me recover from the previous weekend's excessive exertions but not enough to prevent me lasting a respectable time, which in this kind of casual encounter was proving very important. I could see John wanted a go too though, so when I felt I was nearing a climax, I let it come, groaning and grunting and forcing my eyes open to absorb the sight of her sucking cock and her shaking breasts to add to the waves of pleasure flowing from the wet meeting of our genitals.

Spent, I pulled out and made room for my new friend, who pulled a rubber on immediately and took my place. I cleaned up a bit and watched them fuck, which was enjoyable even if it wasn't enough to get me aroused again. Patrick and Ai Ling had been obviously in love, so their lovemaking, whilst lustful, had been tender, and at times even uncomfortable to watch. These two on the other hand, really seemed to only be friends, so it was interesting to see how well they knew each other, and how intense their screwing was. It lasted a while, but eventually their writhing slowed to a stop and John rolled off. After a short rest, Juliet got up and started to dress.

"I have to go now," Juliet said, stepping back into her boots. "It was very nice to meet you Jack, maybe we shall meet again before you leave Shanghai?"

"Yes, I would like that," I replied. "I will be here until sometime next week I think."

"So long! Then I shall see you again. Bye bye!"

"Bye!" I answered. She exchanged a few words in Chinese with John, then left.

"Would you like a beer?" John inquired, turning to me.

"Yes please," I replied, feeling I'd earned one. I went to sit on the couch while he took a couple of Tsingtaos from the fridge (Tsingtao is one of the best Chinese beers, in my opinion anyway), opened them and brought them over.

"What is it you say in English? Cheers?"

"Yes, cheers!" I said, and we both raised our bottles before taking a refreshing swig.

"So, you like Juliet?"

"Yes, she's very nice," I answered, then added as this seemed rather inadequate: "Very sexy too!"

"Sexy, yes. I have known her a year now, she is always very sexy, and she likes to meet Westerners. I know many more girls who want to fuck Westerners, you know? They all love you, with your big eyes, fair hair and so on, you could have any Chinese girl you want you know?"

"I have noticed that I'm very popular here, yes," I replied. This was true, often I would see girls glancing at me and giggling, they would crowd around me at tourist attractions to have their photo taken or practice their English. Many other Westerners I met in hostels had similar experiences, though I hadn't taken advantage of it until now, partly because I thought it was just curiosity towards people they didn’t see very often. I told him the feelings were mutual: "I like Chinese girls a lot too, there are so many beautiful ones."

"As beautiful as Western girls? I like Chinese girls too, but not as much as Western girls."

"I think there are pretty girls everywhere," I said to be diplomatic.

"How long did you say you were staying in Shanghai? A week?"

"Probably about a week, yes."

"If you like you can fuck girls with me every day, really, I can arrange." I tried not to look too incredulously delighted at the prospect of 7 days of sex with Asian girls.

"Well, I'm not free tomorrow as I'm meeting someone else, and I might be meeting with them again next day, but I should be free the rest of the time."

"Do you have a mobile phone? No, you don't, do you. I will lend you my old one, then I can call you when to come, I will find it for you later."

"Thanks very much! For all this, you are a very good host!"

He shook his head in modest denial. "It is very easy, so many horny girls in this city, they all want to go with Western men, and I enjoy fucking them too. So, you like Juliet? I think she will come again, and I know other girls like her, but what other girls do you like? Young girls?"

"As long as they're legal, you know, over 18..."

He laughed. "Of course, of course, I don't want to get in trouble either. But I know a few young college students, you want to fuck them?"

"Um, yes please!"

"OK, so you like young girls, what about older women, have you ever gone with older women?"

"I'm only 22, so Juliet was older. In fact all the women I've been with have been older, last weekend I was with a woman nearly 30 years old, and before then everyone I've slept with has been at least a few years older than me. Once I even fucked a 49 year old!"

"49? Wow, that's much older than I was thinking! So you like older women too? That's good, I know a few very sexy and kinky older women, though none are over 40!"

"Yeah, I wouldn't normally go for a 49 year old either... She was pretty sexy though!"

"And what kind of girls you like? Thin girls? I know some Westerners find Chinese girls too thin."

"I really don't mind. Thin girls are very pretty, but I quite like girls who aren't that thin. I've not seen any Chinese girls that are too fat, that's for sure."

"So you don't mind if they're a bit fat?"

"No, it's often quite sexy actually. The girls I do like a lot though, and haven't seen so much in China, are alternative girls."


"Yeah, you know, they listen to rock music, have strange clothes like fishnet tights and a lot of black, have their hair in funny styles, and often have their nose or lips pierced–"


"Yeah, like earrings but in the nose or lip."

"Oh, yes, I think I know the girls you mean. There aren't many in China, but I'll see if I can find some for you. How do you like to fuck?"

"How do I like to fuck?"

"Yeah, do you like anal sex, do you mind if other guys come and fuck the girls with us, do you eat pussy..."

"Oh, well, that stuff is all good, I like it all I guess." I decided I may as well tell him everything, or as much as I thought wouldn't jeopardise our new friendship. "I do like to cum on girl's faces or in their mouths, you know like in porn movies? They look so sexy afterwards..."

"Yes, I know. The Japanese like it a lot I think. I like that too, but not all girls let you. Some do though; I'll tell you before we meet them."

The conversation continued in a similar vein until we had both finished our beers. I declined a second, beginning to feel a little tired after travelling all day and then the recent session in the bedroom, so decided it was time to go. Before I left though, as promised John fished out his old phone, which was flashier and more up to date than my one at home, so that he could let me know when he had arranged meetings with girls for us.


I spent most of the next day doing tourist stuff, taking photos, the usual, until 6.30 when I was due to meet Vanessa and Herman, the American couple. Checking my email, it turned out that the place we'd arranged to meet was about 30 seconds walk from where I'd met John the day before, so I had no problem finding it, but turned up early in any case so as not to miss them. This was lucky as they had done the same.

"Howdy!" Herman said, although from the grin on his face I guessed he was being ironic rather than truly stereotypically American. As we shook hands I recognised him from one of the action shots on their profile: white, mid-forties, a little taller than me but also wider - let's be honest, fatter - and balding, the hair he had left somewhere in its transition from black to grey. Even in his business suit he managed to look a little lecherous and seedy, as his face was unshaved and no longer that handsome.

"So you must be Jack?" Vanessa, in contrast, though I knew she was approaching 40, had aged well. She was also taller than me by an inch or two, although this difference seemed about the same as the length of her heels, sported shoulder length hair with a fringe that she had left its natural black colour, an attractive face with big eyes, a wide mouth and generally very African features to match her dark brown skin. Although it was currently imprisoned in a casual, cream dress, there were still ample hints at what I knew from her photos was a very sexy body, from her long, muscular legs ending in a big round butt, through the slight curve of her stomach to her big D-cup breasts.

In the routine that was becoming familiar to me from all these meetings arranged online, they invited me to go for a meal to get to know them then if things went well we would go back to their place to "get down to business" as Herman put it. Dinner conversation was the usual, asking about my trip, my studies, and so on, though as there are more expats and just people who speak English in Shanghai, we couldn't be so sexually explicit as I had with Patrick and Ai Ling in public, implying things instead. By the time we'd finished eating though, I had confirmed that they would not be the first couple I had met with, even in Shanghai, nor the oldest, and my growing confidence in these encounters ensured that I did not come across as too shy, so I was invited back to their apartment. It was a little further out than John's, and in terms of luxury came somewhere between his and the other Chinese apartment I had visited on my travels.

"So Jack," Vanessa said in her brisk, business-like manner once we were inside and sat on the couch. "I'll explain the deal very clearly first, then if you agree we can get straight down and dirty. I love to be fucked by lots of different men, preferably at once, and my husband Herman, being the dirty old man he is, likes to watch and film. The videos are just for us and the other people in them, we don't sell them or anything, and you'll have noticed that on our profile pics we hide the faces of everyone except those who explicitly tell us we can show them." I nodded to show I understood, feeling my cock growing in my pants at her frankness.

"Now, before we let someone join in one of our gangbangs we like to give them an audition, to check that they're OK in front of the camera, with other people in the room, can last long enough, that kinda thing. You're quite a bit younger than I normally have, but we thought we'd give you a chance, so don't worry, just relax, we'll have some fun together, Herman will film and if all goes well, as I'm sure it will, we'll let you know when our next gangbang is. Sound good?"

"Sounds great," I replied, pleased to note that I had hardly any butterflies in my stomach despite this pressure, in sharp contrast to some of my early meetings with people like this.

"Awesome, let's go then!" We got up and she led me into a large room, with the usual bedroom furniture but the addition of it seemed at least one large mirror for every side.

"Are you shaved? Down there I mean?" Without any ceremony she began to strip – this was a try-out after all – and I did the same as I answered.

"Yes, although not since last weekend."

"Well, if we decide we want you, you can come earlier and shave, it looks and feels better, but for now a few days stubble won't hurt. Let's see? No, that's fine. Hmm, you look kinda small, are you sure it was your cock in those photos?"

"Yeah, it's mine, it grows quite a bit when erect."

"We'd better test that theory." Vanessa got down on her knees, already naked.

Her husband was filming, also naked, though unsurprisingly I hadn't noticed him getting undressed since all my attention had been taken by his elegant wife revealing her chocolate coloured body, particularly her voluminous breasts. With gentleness out of character with her businesslike manner, she began to massage my cock with her fingers and lick my balls. As soon as it had started to expand, she popped it into her large mouth and began to play with it using her wide tongue, and I could already see lipstick smears on the shaft. I relaxed, deciding to ignore her watching husband completely and show them what I could do. Raised eyebrows and an increase in the intensity of her sucking told me she wasn't disappointed with my size anymore, so I asked her if she would like to "do a 69."

"You wanna lick my pussy, is that it? OK, but I'm going on top."

No point in arguing when I had no objections, so I lay down on the bed, right in the middle and she straddled my head immediately, making me kiss and lick her thighs and the bald skin around her cunt before she condescended to bend back down to do her share. I was glad I had suggested this position, not just because it prolonged her expert blowjob beyond what I suspect she'd intended, nor because of my growing addiction to eating pussy (I did my best to give oral sex to all the girls John introduced me to, though there wasn't always time what with his and their other plans), but also because she seemed a bit dry. I don't claim to be a master at cunnilingus, but I must have been doing something right with my mouth as by the time she had pulled a condom on me and moved off my face, everywhere from my nose to my chin was moist from her juices.

"OK Jack," she said over her shoulder once she had shifted down to hover above my groin, "I'm gonna fuck you now, but I don't want you coming ‘til I say, got that?"

"Got it," I said. I allowed myself to watch my pale, rubber encased cock enter her dark pink pussy and disappear between her brown lips, as her big, round, black arse descended, but then I forced myself to look away. She bounced around noisily, and I did my best to thrust up, resting my hands on her rump, but that was the extent to which I could get intimate with her. It made it pretty easy to keep my mind off the fact a gorgeous, older, black woman was riding me, even with the occasional glimpses of her behind that I treated myself to.

Obviously Vanessa decided this was making it too easy for me, as barely pausing, she lifted off me, turned around still holding my dick and then re-inserted it into her slick pussy, now facing me. This gave me no choice but to watch her, reaching up to hold her gorgeous D cup tits so they wouldn't move so wildly, and no doubt painfully, and to play with them. I'm sure her earlier moans and cries were for my benefit and the video's, but if she was faking it the whole time, she was very good at it, and I was thankful her vagina was so loose as they were a big turn on.

"You're doing good Jack," she panted at me, just as the last thought crossed my mind. "How about we make things a little more interesting before we finish? Rob, get your cock in me now!" The last was delivered in a commanding tone, and I heard some movement from her husband who I'd been ignoring until then.

Unfortunately, he didn't have a tripod ready, so in the DVD of our meeting you can't see the detail of the action that followed since the camera was placed on a chest of drawers a little to the side. At the time I didn't know or care. All I could see was that she threw herself forwards on to her hands, still fucking me but with her breasts dangling down to brush my neck, her hair tickling my face as it fell forward, and her sweaty face breathing into my head. Then I felt her stop, sinking right down so I was all inside her, just as I felt her husband's weight on the mattress, his legs brushing against mine, and then his fingers sliding along the front of my shaft.

My eyes widened as I realised what was happening, and gasped almost as loud as she did when I felt his hard dick sliding into his wife's cunt on top of mine, with the help of some lubricant so the friction between the two condoms would not impede anything. He began to fuck her, but I could do very little, so I remained inside her, jammed tight against his thrusting cock. It was a strange sensation unlike anything I'd experienced even with Pat and Ai Ling the previous weekend, the long, hard shaft a sliding pressure up and down mine, while the other side of my dick was stationary but pressed into her hot internal flesh. Vanessa was now crying out all sorts of incoherent obscenities, and when I gave in to the temptation of the huge tits so close to my mouth, tentatively licking one of her nipples, she almost suffocated me clamping my head to them. I wasn't sure how much longer I could last, though whether the end would be an orgasm or my erection deflating, I wasn't sure.

Before either scenario, she cried out: "OH! I'm coming guys! Cum now! Cum now!" With an effort I tried to thrust with his speeded up thrusts, and filled my mind with her black flesh climaxing on top of me, bringing it back from its odd detachment of delaying orgasm, so that I managed to cum before her husband. He wasn't far behind though, and I can't describe the bizarre sensation of another guy's condom filling up against your own protected, and just finished ejaculating, hypersensitive cock. He withdrew immediately, obviously not liking the sensation much himself, and reluctantly she got off too so as to avoid any accidental spillages, but lay next to me breathing heavily.

"So, did I pass the audition?" I asked, once I'd recovered. Vanessa turned to her head to me, giving me a hard look.

"You passed the first part. How long before you'll be ready to go again?"

"Twenty minutes or so," I replied, not surprised that it wasn't over.

Those 20 minutes were spent in a lengthy interrogation, which I answered as truthfully as I thought prudent. Almost to the second, when my twenty minutes we up she had her lips locked around my cock once more, but I didn't let this almost sterile, mechanical approach to sex turn me off. Although aching a little, I was soon hard for a second time and positioning myself, wearing a fresh condom, between Vanessa's legs and without any problems, sliding back inside her, this time with her on hands and knees. Had her legs been any longer I doubt I could have reached just kneeling, but instead she was the perfect height, and this the perfect position.

Her husband didn't think so though, making one of his few directions when he told me to get on my feet, placing them on the outside of her legs rather than inside, bending my knees and thrusting down into her cunt, as I had seen on countless porn movies. This position was very tiring and rather impractical as I pulled right out more than once, but it did allow him to zoom right in on the action which was what he wanted. It also meant that she could squeeze her thighs together, tightening her pussy around my dick, which I couldn't object to.

I was relieved, however, when she said she wanted to change position. For a quarter of an hour I was made to fuck her in various different positions, standing with her sitting or lying on the bed, lying on top of her, on our sides with one of her legs in the air. I felt like we were going through a catalogue of sex positions, and I remember thinking once again how absurd most porn was when they changed position so often. And after all, that's what this was, porn, not real sex, but without any of the money pressure, so it was quite fun at least. Eventually I was allowed to cum, this time on Vanessa's voluminous breasts - porn right down to the money shot! I've said before how gorgeous I think women look when they've been spunked on, and she was no exception, the whitish-translucent sticky mess standing out beautifully splashed over her big black breasts.

"So, what's the verdict Vanessa, does he pass the test?" Herman said, a dirty grin on his face.

"Hell yeah! With flying colours! I'd almost forgotten how much fun young guys could be, we should meet with them more often! So Jack, would you like to come to our next gangbang? It's next Friday night, there'll be about ten guys including you now, though the rest are all much older than you, I hope that's not a problem?"

"No, that's not a problem at all, although I'm afraid I won't be able to make it as I'll be leaving here on Thursday."

"Oh, that's such a shame! If you're ever back this way let us know, maybe we can arrange something especially for you. Damn! I was looking forward to us showing the regulars I could still get the young 'uns! Well, would you like a beer before you go?" Naturally, I couldn't refuse, exhausted as I was by the evening.